Thursday, September 27, 2007

Setting up for a turn?

Is there a new trend emerging? Is the market preparing to assault the July high in a new advance like it did after the March correction and after last summer's swoon? One of the most important discoveries of W.D. Gann was the relationship between time and price, the idea that they "squared out" at turning points of significance. In other words, at peaks and troughs, time and price become one in the same and a new trend emerges.
Of course turning points can be acceleration or a change in direction. Gann's idea was to square the range in price and in time.
For example, the range from the March 14 low to the July 19 high is 192 S&P points. 192 days from that March low is, yep, Friday, 28th September 2007!
Isn't that special? It's the end of quarter! Since stocks have been moving straight up since the August 16 low, it suggests to me that if this set-up for a turning point works, it is a peak!
In addition, the move up from August 16 will be in its seventh week come the new quarter while counting from the March low it will be seven months! Ah-haa !!

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